California Redistricts for the Next Decade
Presented by the Jack Citrin Center for Public Opinion Research and the California Constitution Center
May 7, 2021
1:00 PM to 5:00 PM PDT
Virtual Event
Every ten years, based upon the census, states redraw lines for congressional and state legislative seats; some win, some lose. This intensely political process was delayed and reshaped this year by the global pandemic. By the end of April, the relevant data will be released and the second California Citizens Redistricting Commission will go to work. It must confront the potential loss of a congressional seat, changes to the Voting Rights Act, defining communities of interest, and new rules governing how incarcerated individuals will be geographically assigned, among other issues.
Session 1
How Has California Changed in the Last Decade? Will a Pandemic-Collected Census Reflect This Accurately? How will the commission respond and how does delayed census data affect the election calendar? (1-2:45pm)
Overview and The New Demographic Context
- Eric McGhee, Senior Fellow, Public Policy Institute of California
Implications and New Issues
- Karin MacDonald, Director, Statewide Database
- Eric McGhee, Senior Fellow, Public Policy Institute of California
- Mindy Romero, Founder and Director of the Center for Inclusive Democracy and Member, Data Advisory Committee, Redistricting Data Hub
- Sara Sadwhani, Assistant Professor of Politics, Pomona College and Commissioner, California Citizens Redistricting Commission
- Moderator: Joe Garofoli, Senior Political Writer, SF Chronicle
Session 2
Translating Data into Districts: Reflections on the Last Redistricting Cycle and a Discussion of the Unique Challenges and Opportunities Facing the New Commission (3-4:45pm)
- Cynthia Dai, CEO, Dainamic Consulting and Former Commissioner, California Citizens Redistricting Commission
- Paul Mitchell, Vice President, Political Data Inc.
- Matt Rexroad, Chief Counsel, Redistricting Insights
- Samuel Wang, Professor of Neuroscience, Princeton and Founder, Princeton Gerrymandering Project
- Moderator: Seema Mehta, Political Writer, Los Angeles Times