Dissertation Proposal Development Workshop (FULL)
Matrix is located on the 8th floor of Barrows Hall, on the UC Berkeley campus, near Telegraph and Bancroft Avenues, just up the hill from Sather Gate. There are entrances at both ends of the building, but only one of the elevators on the eastern side goes directly to the 8th floor. You can alternatively take the stairs to the 7th floor and walk up the stairs.
Social Science Matrix, UC Berkeley’s flagship institute for cross-disciplinary social science research, is pleased to offer a Dissertation Proposal Development Workshop, led by Interim Director Michael Watts, Emeritus "Class of 1963" Professor of Geography and Development Studies at UC Berkeley. The workshop will be held on September 18, 2018 from 2-4:30pm.
This interdisciplinary workshop aims to help graduate students from departments within the social science division to formulate realistic and rigorous dissertation proposals that are mindful of how their work pertains to a broader interdisciplinary field. During the workshop, students will be introduced to funding opportunities, as well as how to conceptualize a dissertation topic and frame it to be competitive for both inter- and extramural fellowship support. We will workshop one or more proposals, depending on time, as a way of highlighting what makes for a robust and compelling application for research funding.
The workshop is open only to post-MA students who are ideally in the process of working on a dissertation proposal or who are intending to meet Fall 2019 funding deadlines (from the Social Science Research Council, the NSF, and other research foundations and organizations). Participation is limited; applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please contact Jessica Stewart, Associate Director, at jsart@berkeley.edu with any questions. If you have a research proposal that you are prepared to circulate and share for purposes of discussion, please indicate this in your application.