Positions Available: Graduate Student Research Associates
Deadline for Applications: August 30, 2019
Social Science Matrix invites applications for Graduate Student Research Associates to serve limited-term appointments during the 2019-2020 academic year. Working in consultation with faculty and Matrix leadership, Matrix Research Associates will have the opportunity to identify and study an emerging, transdisciplinary field and produce a body of work related to this research. Each Research Associate is responsible for producing a portfolio, consisting of 1) a blog entry or short article (between 1500 and 2500 words) that describes a cross-disciplinary research field and provides an overview of the main issues driving scholarship in that area; 2) an annotated bibliography that critically summarizes key works; and 3) a directory of scholars whose work pertains to this field locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally. Each Research Associate will receive compensation in the form of a $700 stipend. LEARN MORE.
Applications Sought for Matrix Working Groups
Social Science Matrix invites proposals from UC Berkeley faculty, graduate students, and affiliated researchers to form interdisciplinary working groups for the 2019-2020 academic year. Matrix Working Groups may be formed around any topic or theme. Matrix also encourages the inclusion of scholars from disciplines in the humanities and sciences, providing there is a clear link in some way (through participants, readings, or theoretical approach) to the social sciences, broadly construed. Matrix Working Groups will be invited to schedule their monthly meetings at Matrix and will receive administrative support in reserving space in our offices. Matrix will also produce profiles on the reading groups and will provide a platform for each group to create a blog, which will be hosted on our website. APPLY HERE.
Dissertation Workshop with Prof. Michael Watts
September 18, 2-4:30pm
Doctoral students in the early stages of their dissertation research are invited to participate in a "Dissertation Proposal Development Workshop," to be led by Matrix Interim Director Michael Watts, Emeritus "Class of 1963" Professor of Geography and Development Studies at UC Berkeley. The workshop will be held on September 18, 2018 from 2-4:30pm. This interdisciplinary workshop aims to help graduate students from departments within the social science division to formulate realistic and rigorous dissertation proposals that are mindful of how their work pertains to a broader interdisciplinary field. During the workshop, students will be introduced to funding opportunities, as well as how to conceptualize a dissertation topic and frame it to be competitive for both inter- and extramural fellowship support. We will workshop one or more proposals, depending on time, as a way of highlighting what makes for a robust and compelling application for research funding. The workshop is open only to post-MA students who are ideally in the process of working on a dissertation proposal or who are intending to meet Fall 2019 funding deadlines (from the Social Science Research Council, the NSF, and other research foundations and organizations). Participation is limited; applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. First Review of Applications: Friday, August 21, 2019. LEARN MORE.
- African American Studies
- Anthropology
- Demography
- Economics
- Ethnic Studies
- Geography
- Gender and Women’s Studies
- History
- Linguistics
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Sociology
Article Type
- Matrix News
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